
Pax Pamir: Second Edition

Created by Wehrlegig Games

Navigate the path to power in this interactive strategy game about Afghanistan in the nineteenth century.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Info Update for Backers in THA, CHE, HRV, GBR
over 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 11:47:05 PM

Hi folks,

This message is intended for backers in Thailand, Switzerland, Croatia, and the United Kingdom. 

After reevaluating our latest fulfillment quotes for the EU/Europe/SEA, we are going to lower rates for those destinations as seen in our Shipping Info section. Thailand will be included with the other SEA countries, lowering their shipping rate to $25. Croatia and the UK will join the EU rate of $15, and Switzerland will be at $20. 

If you have already made a pledge at the higher shipping rate for those countries, please change your pledge. To update your pledge, you will need to press the blue "Manage your Pledge" button and then the "Change your Pledge" button. Select the new Influence Pledge (HRV, CHE, THA, or GBR) and your correct destination. You may have to recalculate your Add-ons as well. The Kickstarter platform does not allow me to change shipping destination rates on a current pledge that has backers in those destinations, so please move over to the new pledge if you are in those countries.

At this time, we are not going to be changing any other shipping rates. We are focusing on making the highest-quality version of Pax Pamir we can produce and delivering it to our same high standards.

Also, I hope this correction encourages any folks in Thailand, Switzerland, Croatia, or the UK to add metal coins to your pledge if you were on the fence. 

Thanks again for your support. I'll have more info in the next update about the upgraded ruler tokens and player boards.


Funded (and some!)
over 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 06:35:47 PM

Thank you all so much for your early support for this project. It is incredibly flattering and humbling to have this many fans and backers pledge a pre-order for a game like this. It’s been a really amazing first day, and we’re excited to bring a beautiful production to a new iteration of Pax Pamir.

I am thrilled that we've already done well enough to include engraved resin blocks this early. Ever since we started working on production details, I imagined the coalition blocks as resin blocks. I’m hoping the tactile feel of this game is going to raise the bar for what a history game can look and feel like.

These aren't the final designs by any stretch, but, since Cole has been staying up late teaching himself Blender, so it seemed only right to show off his work a little.

Though this is our first project, we come with a community of veteran game makers in the industry. Pax Pamir's production and fulfillment will be on par with some of the highest quality board games of the last few years. 

Speaking of which, there have been a lot of questions about the cloth map. Cole will be writing about the aesthetic design of this new edition of Pax Pamir next week, but I just wanted to say right away that we are committed to making sure each and every element of this game is outstanding. This is a passion project for all of us involved and we've built a lot of time into the production schedule to make sure that we get it right.

I'm excited as ever to see more stretch goals unlock and read Cole’s new designer diaries in the coming days. Feel free to share the word about our campaign on social media and encourage folks to back. This is a special, unique project that wouldn't get made without your support. Also, you might imagine we want to get started on those metal coin designs!

Thanks again everyone.


Two Days and Over a Thousand Backers
over 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 06:35:40 PM

My goodness. Seriously, y'all. 

Drew and I have been completely blown away by the response we've gotten so far. When we first decided to spend our extra time over the past few months prepping this campaign, we had a few scenarios in mind. This has surpassed our expectations in every way.

For many campaigns, funding goals are largely about hype and momentum. That was never the case for Drew and I. If only few hundred folks wanted copies, we had contingencies in place so that we'd be able to make the copies and deliver them. Our stretch goals are real stretch goals that reflect the reality of production.

As you might imagine, we are overjoyed that the campaign has done so well. Because this project is a labor of love for Drew and I, the performance of this campaign translates directly into production quality. The more money we make, the more we can spend on each copy of the game.

On that note, I'm so happy that we were able to add the coalition block tray today and that we're right on the edge of getting the unique faction designs for each of the three coalition blocks. I'll have some prototype designs to post a little later on, and I think everyone is really going to be pleased with the look and feel of this game. Also, we do have a few more stretch goals we are currently optioning and that I'll be posting sometime tomorrow. I think they are pretty exciting and will make a lot of folks happy.

I'll also start writing more about the design of the game and the production choices Drew and I have made soon. So, if you'd like to read more you don't have long to wait. 

Lastly, I wanted to mention that this isn't the sort of project that has an advertising budget. Kickstarter is pretty much our only marketing platform, and we've relied entirely on word-of-mouth. Our success so far has been owed entirely to you all. Thank you again for your enthusiasm and please keep spreading the word. 

More soon,


Metal coins unlocked, new stretch goals, a poll, and Cole goes to PAX West
over 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 06:35:33 PM

Hi everyone,

Whenever I told fans of the first edition about our plans for a Kickstarter campaign for Pax Pamir, the first thing they asked me about was metal coins. This was hardly surprising. In Pax Pamir, the mostly closed economy means that you handle currency a lot. Piles of coins get hoarded and stolen. Sometimes your coins slowly drain from your coffers and other times you gain a mountain of them with a clever maneuver. Our punch-board coins are a considerable improvement over the original bingo chips for this reason.

But now, if you want to get metal coins for your game molded directly off of period coins, all you need to do is add $15 to your pledge. You can make that addition here by adjusting your pledge or you can wait till after the campaign. Of course, if you do it now it will help us move towards better stretch goals.

Speaking of stretch goals, we've got a few new ones share...

As you can see, there's no game-play material here. There's a mountain of game already in the box. My chief objective with this campaign is to get the production up to the highest standard I possibly can. At 100,000 we'll be able to make some really beautiful ruler tokens that are unlike just about anything you've seen in a game. At 110,000, we'll be able to add some nice features to the player boards that are both practical and handsome. And, at 125,000 our options for manufacturing the cloth map really open up. The map we are offering now is already nice (and I think a step up from most cloth maps you see in board games). But, at 125k, we get a few more options that I cannot wait to tell you all about.

On that subject, I wanted to share a little picture from this evening. My wife surprised me by assembling and painting some prototype coalition blocks today. It turns out gluing two blank dice gets you very close to the right size and shape of the resin blocks. Tonight we're experimenting with some different materials and inks. 

I know many folks still have some reservations about the cloth map, and I don't blame you. Cloth maps are often included as afterthoughts for games, and it usually shows. That's simply not the case here.

However, many (many) of you have asked about the possibility of reprinting the mounted board for the first edition with some slight modifications for the second edition. My first inclination is just to rule the idea out, but, Drew and I take your comments seriously. And, we want you folks to be as happy with the final project as we are. So, in order to see if this is feasible, we've put together a google poll. Depending on the response, we may be able to offer a mounted map as an add-on for $10 (this is an estimate that will depend on the response). 

You can find that poll here.

Finally, I wanted to let everyone know that I will be gone for the next several days. A couple of us from Leder Games are headed to PAX West to demo Root and Vast: the Mysterious Manor in the First Look room. There will be also copy of Pax Pamir in the first look room as well if you'd like to check that out. 

While I'm away Drew and Lily will be taking care of any questions and posting updates. When I get back next week things should calm down a bit and I'll have time to do some more writing about the design that I can share with you all.